How to FINALLY go for your dreams (even when you're busy AF)
Hey there, it's Allison Hare, your go-to hype woman! Guess what? Your dreams are right there, waiting for you to grab 'em! I just dropped a no-BS podcast episode that'll shake you out of that "I can't" mentality. Let me tell you, those big dreams of yours? They aren't impossible – it's all about the micro changes, baby! So stop overthinking and waiting for the perfect moment – the time is NOW! I'm here to push you past those excuses and self-doubt. Say goodbye to that guilt, it's time to prioritize yourself and unleash your potential. Trust me, it won't be easy, but together, we'll ignite that fire inside you and make those dreams come ALIVE. Ready to step up? Book a call with me and let's make it happen! 💥
[00:01:16] Making big dreams come true.
[00:06:42] Recognizing your body's signals
[00:10:41] Managing weight loss anxiety.
[00:12:25] Fun exercise options available.
[00:13:49] The default of YES (and the default of NO)
[00:16:44] The poison that kills your dreams.
[00:23:15] Mentors and Like Valued People.
[00:27:14] What is a mastermind?
[00:31:14] Learning with an open mind.
[00:34:09] Bet on yourself.
References mentioned:
Apply for the Effective Collective - Mastermind for moms with too much on their plate to get what they truly desire
Get on my email list These are the emails you can actually WANT to open. BTS on how I went from burnt-out to audaciously aligned and how you can do it, too!
EFFECTIVE COLLECTIVE MOTHER MASTERMIND: Schedule a free exploratory call here.
AllisonHare.com - Late Learner Podcast, personal journal and blog, dance
Instagram - Steps to heal yourself, move society forward, and slinging memes and dancing (seriously, Allison is also a dance fitness instructor)
Blog - quick, way more personal, deeper topics - make sure to subscribe
TikTok - documenting my journey one lo-fi video at a time
Reb3l Dance Fitness - Try it at home! Free month with this link.
Personal Brand - need help building yours? Schedule a call with me here and let's discuss.
Feedback and Contact:: [email protected]